DCG Announces Winners for the Diversity Month Decorating Contest

The DCG is pleased to announce the winners of the 2023 Diversity Month Door Decorating Contest. The contest was open to all faculty, staff, residents and students, and the goal was to create a door decoration that celebrated diversity and inclusion. The winners are:

• Best group design: Let’s Taco ‘Bout Diversity, AUDA Faculty Practice
• Best student design: GC5025 Embrace Diversity CO2026
• Most creative design: GC5023 Global Diversity CO2025
• Best individual – 1st Place: GC 4202 Global Spookiness, Ashton Scoggins
• Best individual – 2nd Place: GC5110 Rainbow in Cloud, Corliss Norman-Williamson
• Best individual – 3rd Place: GC5204 Gnome-body is Alone, Stacey Hudson

The winning doors featured a variety of themes, including global diversity, inclusion, and acceptance.

“We were so excited to see all of the wonderful and inspiring door decorations that were created for this contest,” said Dr. Kevin Frazier, DCG Vice Dean and co-chair of the Diversity and Inclusion Steering Committee (DISC). “It was clear that a lot of thought and effort went into each entry, and we are grateful to everyone who participated.”

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Written by
Stacey Hudson

Stacey Hudson is communications coordinator for the Dental College of Georgia.

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