The DCG Chapter of the Student National Dental Association (SNDA) hosted their annual end-of-the-year banquet on April 30 at the Hilton Garden Inn. Students, staff and faculty celebrated their accomplishments during this school year. SNDA recognized the senior students who contributed to SNDA’s success over the last four years and gifted them their first official white coats.
- Dr. Kevin Frazier, Vice Dean of the DCG, presented Makua Okoye with the Diversity and Inclusion Steering Committee Student Excellence Award for her vital role in advocating for diversity and inclusion at DCG.
- Dr. Phillip Gordon (DMD, ’20), a resident in the Advanced Education in Pediatric Dentistry program, was presented the Young Alumni Award. The award is given to an alum who has graduated within the past 5 years and has demonstrated significant professional achievement, enhanced perception of the dental profession and/or service to the University or community.
- Dr. Tyjuan Williams (DMD, ’08) was presented the Distinguished Alumni Award, for exemplifying the standards and objectives of dentistry through personal conduct, professional accomplishments, and community service.
- Ms. Amy Tarpley, former Administrative Assistant II for the Office of the Dean of Student Affairs, was awarded the Outstanding Faculty/Staff Award for demonstrating exceptional support for his/her chapter over the past 12 months.
- Billie Castro (Class of 2023) was presented with the Member of the Year Award for the member of SNDA who has demonstrated exceptional support for his/her chapter over the past 12 months.
- Ms. Stephanie Perry, Director of Student Admissions and Diversity for the DCG, was presented with Advisor of the Year Award for the advisor of SNDA who has demonstrated exceptional support for his/her chapter over the past 12 months.
Dr. Raymond Dickey (DMD, ’13), an oral surgeon with Southwest Maxillofacial Surgery & Implant Center in Atlanta, shared his motivational story on persevering through dental school and residencies to ultimately become the successful oral surgeon he is today.