BSA Student Spotlight – Bidhan Bhandari

Bidhan in front of poster

Bidhan Bhandari is a fourth-year student in the Oral Biology and Maxillofacial Pathology program. With a background and work experience as a dental surgeon in Kathmandu, Nepal, Bidhan wanted to pursue a PhD in Biomedical Sciences to enhance his academic career and broaden his professional life. Augusta University was the perfect fit for Bidhan due to the collaboration between the Biomedical Sciences PhD program and the Dental College of Georgia, which helps students become part of translational research. Bidhan gives an interesting answer about his most memorable moment so far in grad school: “The best one should be my first day of graduate school. It was full of excitement and nervous moments as I was starting a new chapter of my life.”

He also acknowledges the importance of his friends, lab mates, and PhD mentor in shaping his great experiences so far in Augusta. In his free time, Bidhan takes pleasure in hiking, going to the gym, and hanging out with his friends. He has enjoyed his research and the opportunity to travel outside the United States to Bogota, Colombia, where he presented his research at the International Association of Dental Research Conference in June 2023. Bidhan delights in watching the NBA and is an avid soccer fan. He supports Manchester United Football Club of England, and it would only be fair that his darling club makes him proud in the new Premier League season. The Biomedical Student Association congratulates Bidhan for being an excellent representative of our Oral Biology and Maxillofacial Pathology program!

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Written by
Francis Anazodo

Francis Anazodo is a Biochemistry & Cancer Biology Doctoral Student

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