Communication Majors Win Student Production Emmy for Coverage of Live Sports Games

Shows a group of Augusta University students in front of an Emmy sign at awards ceremony
Augusta University students receiving student Emmy award

Some team members pictured above L-R: Emery Heck, Domonic Macias (Comm), Sofia Marquez Cordero, Michael Fortino (Comm), Brianna Nicholas, Manna Philip, Rachel Carman (Comm)

Augusta University’s Broadcast Media team employs several student workers to broadcast live Augusta University sports events. Students give live color commentary to the games, provide sideline reporting, and shoot photos and live video of the games.

This year those students won an Emmy for their work. They were awarded the Southeastern Student Production Award for Live Sporting Event/Game for their coverage of AU Basketball, and AU Women’s Volleyball games. Communication major Rachel Carman and Emery Heck also won a Sports Story Emmy for their project, “Lock the Wonder Pup.”

The Broadcast Media student workers are also guided by AU Communication alumna Cynthia Panzella who is a broadcast producer on staff, and current communication major Chris McIntosh who works as a broadcast technician.

Click below to watch students on the team receiving their award and sharing their comments:

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Daniel Routh
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