DCG Hosts Open Door Event for Incoming First Years

Dental College of Georgia

Students at DCG's Open Doorway EventThe DCG hosted our annual Open Doorway event (see header photo) on March 24. More than 70 members of the incoming Class of 2027 were able to meet each other and their mentors, as well as to collaborate on designing a flag to represent their class, under the guidance of DCG student Christian Walker, Class of 2023. DCG Admissions Committee students gave a tour of the Health Science campus, and a panel of first-year students answered questions for the participants.

DCG first-year students Abdullah Muzeyen, Aliyah Hill, Andrew HogueAnjali Dave, Aws Al Tibi, Isabella Gutierrez, Darren Paap, Jay Mbungu, Kevin Eppes, Kyle Harris and Ty Malik served on the information panel. DCG second, third and fourth year students, Connor Shaw, Christian WalkerDionne AikhionbareRob GriffethThomas MarchmanEvan BolandCaroline Gloster and Chan Young Jin, gave tours of the campus.

Thank you to Khalelah Mosley, Stephanie Perry, Shalita McRoy, Kim Thompson and Samantha Akers for planning and executing the event, and to DCG Class of 2026 students Haley Webb and Sydney Weaver, for helping pair the incoming first-years with student mentors.

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Written by
Alex Maltsberger
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