Griffin Named Associate Dean for DCG Student Affairs

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Dr. Gregory GriffinGregory Griffin, DMD, associate professor in the Department of General Dentistry, has been named associate dean for student affairs at The Dental College of Georgia at Augusta University.

“I am honored for the opportunity to serve as the next associate dean of student affairs,” Griffin said. “I am excited to work with DCG leadership, our Georgia dental organizations, our student organizations and our alumni and dentists throughout the state of Georgia to create enrichment experiences and paraprofessional training opportunities for our dental and oral biology graduate students.”

As an alum of The DCG, Griffin has the experiential and educational background to tackle the college’s growing and changing enrollment.

“Throughout the selection process, Dr. Griffin demonstrated a vision for the future of graduate student affairs at The DCG, and an enthusiasm for the impact the position can have on student experiences,” said DCG Dean Nancy Young, DMD. “He has an easy rapport with our students and already serves them as a trusted mentor. This promotion is a natural progression for his continuing student-focused approach.”

Regina Messer, PhD, has skillfully covered the position since January 2023, while also continuing to serve in her current role of associate dean for admissions.

“Dr. Messer’s generosity has allowed The DCG time to search for the right candidate, and we’re grateful to her for taking over the extra responsibilities,” Young said.

Griffin has been a full-time faculty member since 2018 after a 20-year career in private practice in Lincolnton, Georgia.

Along with being an alum of DCG’s DMD dentistry program (Class of 1998), Griffin also holds a Bachelor of Science from Lees-McRae College in Banner Elk, North Carolina.

He serves as a Global Health Outreach Team Leader for international medical/dental missions. He is a member of the GHO Advisory council and serves as a reviewer for the Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry and Belmont Publications.

He is a member of the Georgia Dental Association and is a Fellow in the American College of Dentists. He is the recipient of multiple awards, including the 2023 American College of Dentists Faculty Professionalism Award, the 2023 ADEA Council of Sections Thomas F. Nowlin Award for Outstanding Performance by a Section, the 2022 Certificate of Appreciation for Outstanding Dedication and Support to the Department of General Dentistry and the Faculty MVP Service Award DCG Clinical Educators Process and Advisory Committee.

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Alex Maltsberger
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