Guest Column: From Rhonda Banks, Senior Director of Philanthropy

Dental College of Georgia

November in Augusta is typically when we start to experience the fall season – the leaves transition to radiant shades of red, yellow and orange. We “fall back” early in the month and finally start to experience those cooler days and nights. We celebrate our veterans and, in some years, we hit the polls to exercise our right to vote. But perhaps the most notable holiday in November is the day we all get together and share a wonderful meal and watch football and parades – Thanksgiving Day!

As we enter this season of thanksgiving, I would like to express my thanks…for your giving. The generosity of DCG alumni, faculty, staff, residents, students and friends allows us to provide a quality education and experience for the future dentists of Georgia and beyond.

This past Friday, we celebrated the life and legacy of Dr. Emile T. Fisher at his memorial service in Atlanta. Dr. Fisher loved our college and more importantly, he loved our students. In his lifetime and through his estate, he provided nearly $3 million in support for the DCG. And we have so many others who commit their hard-earned dollars to lessen the financial burdens for our students, provide much needed equipment for teaching and research, support our faculty and much, much more.

And when our own people are willing to invest in the place we work, it truly tells a story. As we wrap up the annual IGIVE faculty/staff campaign, I am happy to report more than 200 DCG employees made a gift to support our university and health system. So, again, thanks for your giving in this season of thanksgiving. Your support will continue to help us be a university and dental school like no other!

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Written by
Stacey Hudson

Stacey Hudson is communications coordinator for the Dental College of Georgia.

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