Hsu Awarded NIH Grant to Develop Hygiene Prototypes

Dental College of Georgia

Dr. Stephen Hsu, Professor in the Department of Oral Biology & Diagnostic Sciences, will serve as Principal Investigator for a new National Institutes of Health (NIH) National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) grant to develop hand hygiene prototypes against bacterial spores such as C. difficile, the major cause of healthcare associated infections. The project, in collaboration with Seton Hall University and Montclair State University, will test the sporicidal activity of hand hygiene formulations using EC16 technology. The goal of this project is to develop the world’s first hand hygiene product with sporicidal activity and save lives. The STTR phase I grant provides $266,592 in funding for one year.

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Written by
Stacey Hudson

Stacey Hudson is communications coordinator for the Dental College of Georgia.

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