Junior Students Selected as Research Competition Finalists

DCG Building

Cathy Tran, Tiger Yang, and Dr. Ranya El Sayed at the AADOCR Hatton CompetitionCathy Tran (Class of 2024) and Tiger Yang (Class of 2024) represented the DCG at the American Association for Dental, Oral & Craniofacial Research (AADOCR) Hatton Competition on March 14. Cathy and Tiger have been selected as finalists among a total of nine students from all dental schools around the U.S. to compete in the junior category. The AADOCR Hatton Competition is designed to provide an opportunity for the best junior investigators who exhibit potential for a productive career in dental research from all AADOCR Divisions and Sections to present their research at the annual AADOCR General Session. 

Tran presented her work entiteled, “Engineered Human Dendritic Cell Exosomes as Effective Delivery System for Reprogramming Immune Response in Periodontal Disease.” Yang shared his work, “P.gingivalis Induces Senescence of Gingival Keratinocytes: A Novel Mechanism of Periodontitis.” Dr. Ranya El Sayed, Assistant Professor in the Department of Periodontics, mentored both students throughout this process.

Congratulations, Tiger and Cathy!


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Alex Maltsberger
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