Save the date for 34th annual Research and Table Clinic Day (RTCD) on Wednesday, March 8. The DCG Office of Research hosts the event annually to showcase scientific research and innovative clinical care with a focus on current practices and projects being conducted at the Dental College of Georgia. This event is sponsored in conjunction with the Georgia Section of the American Association for Dental, Oral, and Craniofacial Research (GA-AADOCR).
Student attendance at RTCD is mandatory, and includes the 8th Annual David H. Pashley Lecture, featuring Dr. John O. Burgess, Clinical Research Director at Louisiana State University. A prolific researcher, he has authored more than 400 articles, abstracts and books. He has served as a consultant to the American Dental Association’s Council on Scientific Affairs and is actively conducting research in clinical evaluations of ceramic restoratives, low shrinkage posterior composites, self-adhesive restoratives, Bioactive materials and vital pulp therapy materials. Dr. Burgess lectures extensively nationally and internationally and has presented more than 1,000 all-day continuing education courses.
Visit the RTCD page for more detailed information.