Unite in the Fight Against Cancer Is Back for 2024

Unite in the Fight Against Cancer raised over $100,000 last year with the help of our community and now that money is going straight back into our community through patient-centered programs at the Georgia Cancer Center.

Unite in the Fight Against Cancer, hosted by and supporting the Georgia Cancer Center at Augusta University, is a unique one-mile walk that celebrates and honors all those who have been affected by this disease.

“This funding is essential for patients whose insurance does not cover this,” Amanda Reiter, an Outpatient Oncology Dietitian at the GCC, said when talking about her program, Nutrition Support Funding for Patients requiring Feeding Assistance.

The programs selected to receive funding from Unite 2023 are:


These programs all have goals of ensuring that our current and future patients have the tools needed to make the path to survivorship easier, such as providing formula at no cost to malnourished patients who struggle with eating due to side effects of treatment, like vomiting and nausea.

When it comes to future patients, Avirup Guha, MBBS, the Director of Cardio-Oncology, Cardio-Oncology program here at the GCC, is working on providing free prostate cancer screening events with funding from Unite with his program, Prostate Specific Antigen-based Program for Reducing Racial Outcomes Gap in Rates of Prostate Cancer Survival in Southeast Georgia (PSA-PROGRESS), which is a large collaboration project with many members of our community.

“I couldn’t imagine a better alignment when it comes to the mission of Unite and our program, both with the aim to fight against the development and promote the treatment of cancer, says Guha.

Unite in the Fight will return on May 4th, 2024. It will be held right outside the Georgia Cancer Center Research Building at 1410 Laney Walker Blvd, from 8am to 11am. We will have live music, food trucks, a special VIP Patient/Survivor room, therapy dogs, special guests, and so much more.

If you would like to learn more about this event, follow us on Facebook to be kept up to date on it and the programs funded by Unite in the Fight Against Cancer. You can find more information and sign you and your team up by visiting our website.

Make sure you and your team are all signed up and that you join us in the fight against cancer!

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Written by
Lindsey Morris

Lindsey Morris is the Communication Strategist at Georgia Cancer Center. Contact her to schedule an interview on this topic at 706-721-9173 or limorris@augusta.edu.

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