What Is Civic Engagement?

Community volunteers pack water bottles into cardboard boxes.

Civic engagement brings together a range of activities that help promote the well-being of communities and individuals. It involves active participation in both political and nonpolitical activities that contribute to the betterment of society. Research has also shown that higher levels of civic engagement are associated with better health outcomes, including lower rates of cancer, heart disease and depression, according to a joint study by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the RAND Corp.

For individuals looking to earn an advanced public health degree and make an impact, exploring what civic engagement is and its importance in promoting public health is a key first step. Seeing examples of civic engagement can also help deepen one’s understanding of its role in helping improve society.

Civic Engagement Definition

Civic engagement can be broadly defined as actions that individuals or groups take to address the concerns and well-being of their communities, their social groups or society as a whole. Civic engagement activities can range from voting and volunteering to participating in group activities to contributing to community design. Engaging in civic activities not only benefits the health of a community but also positively impacts the mental and physical health of individuals.

Civic Engagement to Promote Public Health

A complex and beneficial relationship exists between civic engagement and public health. Civic participation enhances community health by fostering social capital. Social capital encompasses networks and trust that promote cooperation for mutual benefit. This involvement broadens social connections, bolstering support and physical activity opportunities.

For example, voting provides both societal and personal health benefits. Voting can influence decisions about local resources, such as healthy food and job opportunities. At the same time, the act of voting can promote better health. Volunteering is another form of civic engagement that brings health advantages. Health benefits can include better psychological health, including lower stress, anxiety and depression, according to the government’s Healthy People 2030 initiative.

Promoting civic engagement is vital for improving public health and health disparities, according to a Nature Medicine report. Efforts to boost civic involvement include educating communities on what civic engagement is and its importance. Fostering partnerships among community organizations, healthcare providers and government agencies can also play a role in promoting civic engagement.

Healthcare settings offer unique platforms for promoting civic engagement. They can provide voting information and host registration drives. In this way, they leverage patient interactions to encourage participation. Also, technology and digital platforms are crucial for enabling access to civic engagement. They allow for online registration and virtual forums. This makes involvement easier for a wider audience, including youths and those with mobility challenges. These strategies collectively work to enhance public health through increased civic participation.

Examples of Civic Engagement

Civic engagement can come in many forms, allowing individuals to participate in civic activities based on their individual interests and community needs. Below are examples of common civic engagement activities.


Volunteering is a powerful way to contribute to the community and promote public health. It can involve activities such as serving meals at a local food bank, mentoring young people, participating in environmental cleanup efforts or providing healthcare services in underserved areas. Volunteering can also provide individuals with a sense of purpose and fulfillment.

Community Organizing

Community organizing involves bringing community members together to address common concerns and work toward positive change. This can include organizing grassroots campaigns, advocating for policy changes or coordinating community events. Community organizing allows individuals to have a collective voice and influence decisions that impact their community’s well-being.

Advocacy and Activism

Advocacy and activism involve speaking out on social and political issues to promote change in the areas of social justice and health disparities. This can include participating in protests, contacting elected officials, signing petitions, or raising awareness about important causes through social media or other platforms.

Political Engagement

Political engagement encompasses activities such as voting in elections, running for office or participating in political campaigns. A politically engaged individual can help shape policies and decisions that impact public health. Political engagement can also involve engaging in policy research and analysis to inform evidence-based decision-making.

Community Service

Individuals involved in community service dedicate their time and effort to helping others in need. Activities can include volunteering at local shelters, participating in community cleanup projects or providing support to vulnerable populations. Community service not only benefits those in need but also fosters a sense of community and social responsibility.

Prepare to Transform Lives and Your Career

Civic engagement is a powerful tool that helps improve public health and health disparities. By taking part in civic activities, people can help their communities. They can also build social connections and improve their own health. Encouraging civic engagement is a shared duty. It can lead to positive change and create a fairer and healthier future for all.

For individuals looking to lead civic activities, Augusta University Online’s Master of Public Health (MPH) program equips graduates with key skills to develop effective, equitable solutions to address public health challenges. The research-focused program offers core competencies of public health and the following concentrations:

  • Health Management: This concentration equips students for leadership roles in public health environments by offering courses that enhance interdisciplinary leadership abilities in addition to public health knowledge.
  • Health Informatics: This concentration focuses on the creation and management of health information systems, along with the gathering and analysis of health-related data, to enhance outcomes in the healthcare and public health sectors.
  • Social and Behavioral Sciences: This concentration introduces public health initiatives targeting the psychological and emotional aspects of health, aiming to address and improve public health outcomes.

Explore how Augusta University Online’s MPH program can help you acquire the insight, perspectives and experience to deliver impact in a public health role.

Recommended Readings
How Environmental Toxins Can Affect Your Health
How to Become a Social and Community Service Manager
What Is Community Design? How to Build a Healthy Community

Association of American Medical Colleges , “Civic Engagement: A Vital Sign of Health and Democracy”
Giving Compass, “The Connection Between Civic Engagement and Public Health”
Healthy People 2030, Civic Participation
Nature Medicine, “Health-Based Civic Engagement Is a Professional Responsibility”
RAND, “Rx Civic Engagement: Keeping the Public Engaged in Public Health”
RTI Health Advance, “Civic Engagement Offers Important Health Benefits — SDoH Series, Part 5”

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