Dr. Roy Witherington honored with The President’s Award

Dr. Roy Witherington and Augusta University President Brooks Keel

Dr. Roy Witherington, 1953 graduate, longtime chief of the Division of Urology, one of the first residents to train at our 63-year-old hospital, a world traveler and philanthropist, is the 2019 recipient of The President’s Award, the highest award given by the university.

He was an instinctive educator and physician in his 40-year career in urology. He is a lifetime member of our Alumni Association. He endowed a student scholarship fund that bears his name and another that is from his MCG Class of 1953. He and his wife, Sondra, named one of the Learning Communities in the Harrison Education Commons. He established the Roy Witherington, MD, Chair in Urology held by our urology chief Dr. Martha Terris.

He was honored during Alumni Weekend for his outstanding support of his alma mater.

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