CON program director to be a primary podium presenter at NTI

Dr. Jennifer Broxton posing with CON magnet outside Colorado Convention Center

The College of Nursing is celebrating this month with CNL Program Director, Jennifer Broxton, DNP, RN, CCNS, CCRN. She has been selected as a primary podium presenter at the National Teaching Institute (NTI) in Denver, Colorado this May 20-22. Her presentation will be recorded and produced for the virtual NTI in June as well.

The National Teaching Institute & Critical Care Exposition is the premier conference of the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses (AACN).  AACN focuses on nursing education, specifically critical and progressive care. NTI is for nursing professionals to reshape themselves and nursing as a whole. At the conference, Broxton will be presenting Caring for Transgender Patients: What do you need to know? “This presentation discusses specific clinical and holistic considerations in the care of transgender patients that are important to critical care clinicians,” says Broxton.

Broxton goes on to say, “It analyzes physiologic changes related to gender affirming therapies that may impact critical illness and identifies evidence-based strategies to create an inclusive environment and improve communication for transgender patients in clinical practice.” Transgender medicine is a rapidly evolving field, and lack of knowledge related to patients’ health needs can lead to suboptimal care. “Education addressing the needs and concerns of transgender patients improves outcomes and quality of care.”

The College of Nursing encourages all faculty members to be involved in national organizations. “It’s so important for professional growth, continuing education, inspiration, current practice updates, and connection with other nurses in our specialties.” The college is thrilled that Broxton will be representing them on the national stage in support of such important work.


* Update – June 4, 2024

With over 6,900 nurses at the conference, over 300 attended Jennifer Broxton’s presentation on Care of Transgender Patients: What Do You Need to Know. “It was an honor to continue to present topics that improve care and outcomes for the LGBT+ community. I was one of two speakers who spoke on transgender health topics. See below for a snippet of the abstract and objectives.

The number of transgender persons treated in acute care areas is increasing, making it imperative for clinicians to have basic knowledge of important transgender medicine topics. This session explores foundational knowledge needed in the care of acutely ill transgender patients, addressing important psychologic and physiologic considerations. Using case studies and patient examples, practical strategies for culturally competent and safe care are addressed.

  1. Discuss specific clinical and holistic considerations important to critical care clinicians in the care of transgender patients.
  2. Analyze physiologic changes related to gender-affirming therapies that may impact critical illness.
  3. Identify evidence-based strategies to create inclusive environments and improve communication with transgender patients.


Headshot of Jennifer Broxton on brown background


Jennifer Broxton is an Augusta University Alumna for her DNP, MSN, and BSN. She is a Certified Critical Care Clinical Nurse Specialist and has her CCRN from the AACN Certification Corporation. She is a member of Sigma Theta Tau International and has received multiple award and honors as well as served in professional nursing and healthcare organizations.

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Nina Siso
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