DCG Awards Most Valuable Faculty

DCG 2023 MVF Awards

Recently, The DCG honored faculty members chosen by our students for The Class Most Valuable Faculty (MVF) Award. The award is a student-nominated recognition for DCG faculty that have made a significant impact on the education and success of dental students over the past school year. Each DCG class has an opportunity to nominate faculty that have challenged and encouraged them to learn, grow, and progress as part of their continuing professional development. To be nominated for this award by a class of students indicates the quality of the teaching each of these individuals provides.

This year’s awardees are:

• The Class of 2026 recognized Dr. Linah Shahoumi; Assistant Professor in the Department of Oral Biology and Diagnostic Sciences.

• The Class of 2025 recognized Dr. Brent Haeberle; Interim Department Chair and Associate Professor in the Department of Restorative Sciences. Dr. Haeberle teaches complete denture prosthodontics.

• The Class of 2024 recognized Dr. Kurt Metzler; Assistant Professor in the Department of Restorative Sciences. Dr. Metzler teaches junior clinic.

• The Class of 2023 recognized Dr. Ronald Harris; Assistant Professor in the Department of General Dentistry. His award was presented at the Senior Awards Ceremony back in May.

Congratulations to all of our faculty award-winners, and thank you for the passion and skill you put into teaching this next generation of dentists!

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Written by
Alex Maltsberger
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