DCG Hiring and Promotions

DCG Building

The DCG would like to congratulate the following employees. Some may be new hires, others may be transfers or promotions. But all deserve a warm Jaguar welcome!

• Emma Bailey has joined the Department of Restorative Sciences as a Dental Research Equipment Technician.

• Dr. Marshall Newman has been promoted from Interim Program Director for the Oral and Maxillofacial Residency Program to Program Director, effective May 1.

• Dr. R. Steven Powell has joined the Department of Orthodontics as an Assistant Professor – Part Time.

• Dr. Roseanne Rodgers has joined the Department of Restorative Sciences as an Assistant Professor – Part Time.

• Jeanette Thomas will move from Dental Dispensary Supervisor to DCG Dispensary Manager.

• Dr. Joseph Vargo has joined the Department of Orthodontics as an Assistant Professor – Part Time.

• Margie Warren will join the Department of Patient Services as an Office Specialist.

• Desiree Washington will move from DCG Faculty Support Liaison to DCG Residency Program Coordinator on May 1.


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Written by
Stacey Hudson

Stacey Hudson is communications coordinator for the Dental College of Georgia.

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