DCG Teaching Assistant Program now underway

DCG Student Teaching

The Dental College of Georgia recently launched a new Clinical/Pre-clinical Student Teaching Assistant Program. Senior students Robert Griffith and Corey Eisner jumped right into the experience in the Thomas A. Hinman Simulation Lab with Martha Brackett, DDS, professor in the Department of Restorative Sciences.

“This program is an immersive way that students can explore a post-graduation teaching career, such as a move into academia,” said Alan Furness, DMD, associate dean of Patient Services. “It also allows us to provide more hands-on instruction for our first- and second-year students.”

Participating dental students have been chosen for the program based on their academic record and advanced clinical standing. They receive training from the course director and serve as paid teaching assistants in Simlab courses, where they provide daily feedback to students. Teaching assistants are not involved in grading practicals but can serve as proctors during exams.

Participation is a measurable way for senior students to gain valuable teaching experience and to develop their leadership skills. It is also a way to earn extra money and to make a difference in the lives of their fellow students. 

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Alex Maltsberger
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