Department of General Dentistry Presents Appreciation Awards

Susi Hamilton (right), Director of Assessment & Compliance, was awarded the DGD annual Certificate of Appreciation for Outstanding Contributions and Support by Dr. Kim Capehart (left), Interim Chair.
Susi Hamilton (right), Director of Assessment & Compliance, receives her honor from Dr. Kim Capehart (left), Interim Chair.

The Department of General Dentistry (DGD) recently honored three outstanding colleagues for their dedication and support:

• Dr. Eduardo Britton, Assistant Professor of General Dentistry, was awarded the DGD annual Certificate of Appreciation for Outstanding Dedication and Support to Students.

• Susi Hamilton, Director of Assessment & Compliance, was awarded the DGD annual Certificate of Appreciation for Outstanding Contributions and Support to the Department for an employee outside of the DGD.

• Dr. Nancy Young, Assistant Dean of Student Affairs, was awarded the DGD annual Certificate of Appreciation for Outstanding Dedication and Support to the Department from someone inside the DGD.

Dr. Eduardo Britton (left), Assistant Professor of General Dentistry, and Dr. Nancy Young (right), Assistant Dean of Student Affairs, were both honored.

Award recipients received a certificate and a $50 Amazon gift card in thanks for their service.

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Written by
Stacey Hudson

Stacey Hudson is communications coordinator for the Dental College of Georgia.

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