Dr. Bleakley Chandler, ’48, former chair of MCG Department of Pathology, dies

Dr. Arthur Bleakley Chandler, age 93, died at home on July 17, 2020 after a prolonged illness.

A native of Augusta, Dr. Chandler was born on September 11, 1926. After attending the University of Georgia for two years in the pre-med program, he entered the Medical College of Georgia in 1944 (then UGA school of Medicine) and graduated with honors in 1948.

Dr. Chandler rejoined the faculty in the Department of Pathology at the Medical College of Georgia in 1953. There, he served for the next forty-seven years, participating in the education and clinical service programs and conducting research. In 1975, he was appointed Professor and Chairman of Pathology, serving until his retirement in 2000. He considered one of his greatest accomplishments to be the teaching of hundreds of medical students, residents and fellows over his 50 year career.

Read Dr. Chandler’s obituary.

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Written by
Jennifer Hilliard Scott

Jennifer Hilliard Scott is Director of Communications at the Medical College of Georgia at Augusta University. Contact her to schedule an interview on this topic or with one of our experts at 706-721-8604 or jscott1@augusta.edu.

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