Dr. William “Jack” Atha, ’58, dies

Dr. Atha completed an internship at Rex Hospital in Raleigh, N.C. in 1959 where he met Vivian Brooks and to whom he married on July 18, 1959. Jack then spent two years in Korea, a medical officer attached to the US Army 11th Engineer Battalion. On his return from overseas military service in 1961, he opened a general practice in West Point, Georgia where he worked until 1970 when he moved his family to Augusta, Georgia to complete a residency in anesthesia. In 1972, he accepted an Anesthesiologist position with Floyd Anesthesia Associates in Rome, GA, where he worked for 26 years before retiring in 1998.

Read Dr. Atha’s obituary.

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Written by
Jennifer Hilliard Scott

Jennifer Hilliard Scott is Director of Communications at the Medical College of Georgia at Augusta University. Contact her to schedule an interview on this topic or with one of our experts at 706-721-8604 or jscott1@augusta.edu.

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