Resolute Forest Products Augusta Mill

Crowd of people with ceremonial check

Our Children’s Miracle Network Hospital team works to raise funds and awareness for the Children’s Hospital of Georgia. But we don’t do it alone. We partner with some of the most generous organizations in our community.

The employees at Resolute Forest Products-Augusta Mill have created countless miracles for the kids at Children’s through their payroll deduction and safety promotional campaigns. Since 1994, the Augusta Mill has contributed more than $645,000.00 to our CMN Hospital.

“It gives me a sense of personal pride knowing that I work with a company where the employees give so generously,” said Derrick Lindgren, General Manager for the Augusta Mill. “Many of our employees have had kids and grandkids that have utilized the Children’s Hospital over the years, and all sing praises about the high quality care they received.”

This year also marked a very special milestone for the employees and their families at the Augusta Mill. The organization attained a monumental safety achievement by completing 1 MILLION man hours worked without a single injury. This is a first since the mill opened in 1966.

Not only does this mean all employees returned to their families safely, the Board of Directors’ Safety Award Program issued another check to our CMN Hospital for $15,000!


“The Board of Directors’ Safety Award Program is responsible for a large part of the more recent contributions, but we need to remember it is our employees who choose where the donation is made,” said Lindgren. “Since 1994, individual employees have pledged a portion of their pay during our annual fall pledge drive with about 70% employee participation, which has made up the majority of the total dollars contributed.”


Lindgren recently visited Children’s with a group of his fellow employees. The group took a tour and had the chance to see their dollars at work.


“When we hear about the cost of one of the infant beds, we know we helped purchase that infant bed,” said Willia Thomas, Augusta Mill employee.


Standing outside the Resolute Forest Products Family Resource Library, Don McKie reflected on his time spent at Children’s with his now 17-year old son. His son was born with CHARGE syndrome – a disorder that affects many areas of the body. CHARGE is an abbreviation for: coloboma, heart defects, atresia choanae, growth retardation, genital abnormalities, and ear abnormalities.


“They helped us start his journey and laid the foundation for a very fulfilling life,” said McKie, an Augusta Mill Top Maintenance Mechanic. “I know I can bring him here when I need to and that is a blessing.”


This partnership is changing and saving lives for the kids at Children’s.


“It’s our charity, it’s our program and we are seeing the changes at the hospital and the growth at the hospital and the additional amenities,” said Thomas.

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