Student Ambassador: Mohamed Meghil

Hometown: Benghazi, Libya
Program: PhD in Oral Biology and Maxillofacial Pathology
Mentor: Chris Cutler, PhD, DDS
Area of Research: Investigating the influence of differential fimbria expression of periodontal pathogen “Porphyromonas gingivalis” on human Dendritic cell signaling and immune homeostatic functions

Favorite AU memory:

My favorite memory is the graduation ceremony when my wife and I received our Masters degrees in Oral Biology in 2014  from Augusta University.

Selected Accomplishments:

Hatton competition and award finalist (2018 AADR/CADR Annual meeting and Exhibition, Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA)

UNC Perio EXPO-Best abstract award (UNC-Chapel Hill,School of Dentistry, 2017)

Arnold Bleiweis Award (International Association for Dental Research IADR Microbiology/Immunology subgroup-March 2017)


I enjoy playing ping pong and soccer.

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Mohamed Meghil
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