Student Ambassador: Molly Braun

Molly at tank
Molly Braun looking at Slide

Molly Braun
Hometown: Carmel Valley, CA
Program: PhD In Neuroscience
Mentor: Krishnan Dhandapani, PhD
Area of Research:  Neuroimmunology of traumatic brain injury 

Mentorship Perspective:

My PI, Dr. Dhandapani, has been an amazing mentor. He allows me the independence to figure things out on my own but is also always available to brainstorm, give me input, and provide guidance. I am interested in pursuing a career in academic research so my mentor and I often discuss the processes involved in securing funding, preparing and submitting grants, and how to go about designing experiments and planning projects.

Selected Accomplishments:

Darrell Brann Alumni Scholarship Award2018

National Neurotrauma Symposium Travel Grant Award, 2018


I spend most of my free time outside of the lab with my husband and my dog Bubbles. We can be found at the Pendleton King Dog Park in the evenings or the local Farmer’s Market every weekend.

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Molly Braun
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