One of my favorite Simon and Garfunkel songs is Bridge Over Troubled Water. Paul Simon originally wrote the song as a gospel hymn as it emphasizes providing comfort to those in need. I am often reminded of the five-word repetition in the song: “I will lay me down.” One of the greatest actions we can take in life is to lay ourselves down, to make ourselves available and build bridges for the sake of helping others. That is exactly what the team in External Relations does each day for Augusta University, and we’d like you to join us in our efforts.
I have the great honor of leading the Office of External Relations at Augusta University, where we build bridges – with people, organizations, businesses, government entities and others – for mutually beneficial engagements and interactions. The importance of cultivating and stewarding relationships, building partnerships, and helping in times of need, coupled with our desire to keep you informed about how you can help build bridges that advance the mission of Augusta University and AU Health, resulted in the creation of this newsletter. I hope you will find it informative, enlightening, inspiring and, at times, entertaining.
I want to personally welcome you to the inaugural edition of The Bridge, a quarterly newsletter produced by the Office of External Relations at Augusta University, which encompasses:
- Government Relations
- Philanthropy & Alumni Engagement
- Protocol & Special Events
- Volunteer Services & Community Engagement.
The Bridge symbolizes connections, partnerships and affiliations. External Relations partners with alumni, donors, communities, businesses and organizations, faculty and staff, legislators, as well as local leaders and state officials to identify, create and manage relationships and opportunities that will enrich and advance Augusta University’s strategic mission. To that end, The Bridge newsletter will showcase projects and strategies that are connecting Augusta University with people, places, ideas and initiatives that improve higher education, patient care and discovery & innovation at our pioneering university.
Bridges can also signify transitions, moving forward from the past to the present, linking our founding and our current work to our future. Through the positive reputation and tradition of our legacy colleges, combined with opportunities created through new schools and career programs as well as cutting-edge academic medicine and health practices training, we truly are building bright, bold new pathways – bridges – into tomorrow.
If you haven’t already, I invite you to link arms with Augusta University and navigate The Bridge to our future with us.
Sincerely,Russell T. Keen, EdDEVP for Administration and External Relations & Chief of Staff to the President Read Newsletter